In recognition of MAYas Mental Health Awareness Month as a Christian you may be wondering how you can help someone who is facing a difficult time.
We invite you to sign-up for our upcoming college level training sponsored by Compassion Helplines, Inc., and New Life Bible Institute & Christian Women's Leadership Academy that teaches the ordinary lay person how to help in times of personal crisis.
Compassion Helplines, Inc. A 501c3 Faith-based Telephone Crisis Counseling & Community Outreach Center has been in existence since 1994 providing telephone crisis counseling & intervention, in house counseling and related services to the church and community at large, as well as providing college level certificate training for individuals and churches for establishment and / or enhancement of their telephone prayer and crisis line ministries.
Our Motto "We are reaching the C.O.R.E of the individual's problems with biblical solutions through Counseling, Outreach, Referrals & Education."
Sign up for information on our next scheduled trainings.